Thursday, 3 October 2013

Photographs and Images

Photographs and Images
I photographed my model holding an essay which was graded an A+.  I took her photograph in front of they UCAS posters, with posters from universities and locations of universities across the country.
I also made the A+ red, because the posters in the background were red, therefore they link the two things together and connote that with hard work and success you are able to get into a good university of your choice. I located her in front of these University posters, to represent what happens after college, so the readers have something to aspire to.

In these ones I attempted to include the UCAS logo within the photograph to highlight the relevance to university from within the main image. I also photographed all of the listed universities in the background and a map.


 I also took photographs on a white background, so I could add a photograph of the college behind her using Photoshop, therefore I took various shots of her holding up her work and smiling, assuring she was directly addressing the audience whilst doing this.

I dislike this photograph as it is not appropriate for my magazine as I accidently photographed a poster in the background, which is behind the model, and will divert the readers attention to something irrelevant.

 I also photographed my law folder, to show reference to work that you have to do from within the subject, so this will connote hard work and success. It can also be used on the front cover or contents page as part of an article. I made sure it had the word Law located clearly on it, therefore it will be easily recognizable to what the topic of the magazine is about.

 I also photographed an article in the local newspaper, as this connotes recent happenings in society and what type of law this is and what laws have been broken in the area. Therefore, it will create more of a personal feel, as it is local news, so the reader is more likely to be interested if it is happening in an area near them.

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